A few Saturdays ago I visited the beautiful city of Bath for the day with one of my best friends. No set plans, aside from seeing Jack Savoretti later on that evening (you can read about that here) and hopeful for afternoon tea somewhere. We wandered around before stumbling across this hidden gem…
When it comes to food, Italian is my number one. So you can imagine my excitement when I heard that one of my favourite…
Date: Saturday 5th March, 2016. Location: The Forum, Bath Jack Savoretti
Mondays call for cake, so let me introduce these Rock ‘n’ Choc Bakes…
I remember baking rock cakes in primary school, and hating them. I’m not sure what it was that I disliked so much but for years I wouldn’t go near one. Today is a different story, but perhaps that’s because I have an awesome recipe that involves chocolate – and let’s face it, anything with chocolate is bound to be better!
We’ve all been there. The kind of day that you wish you could run away from. That anxious feeling. Worrying about something that hasn’t…
Valentines Day. The day that all singles dread (and probably some couples too if they’re being honest) is looming.
I believe there’s a lot of truth to this quote, I instantly feel more organised and productive when my workspace is clean and clutter-free. I spend a lot of time browsing on Pinterest and Instagram for ideas on how to make my environment as pretty as the photographs I ‘heart’ and ‘repin’ on these social media platforms – so I thought I would share my easy ways to create something just as aesthetically pleasing on the eye without blowing your budget.
Location: London Whenever I visit London I spend most of my time running around the city, usually shopping is involved, and I always regret…
Up until Monday evening I had never celebrated Burns Night before. Clearly I had no idea it basically consists of sipping on whiskey and devouring delicious…