A friend of mine recently sported these gorgeous gold nails which left me with a serious case of nail envy. Being the nail paint fiend I am, I went out to hunt this colour down and I think it could be my new favourite shade.
Within the English county of Worcestershire lies the beautiful Cotswold town of Broadway. Bright lights and yellow cabs there is not, but what you will…
If I had to name just one ‘celebrity’ who I’ve admired for years, it would have to be Lauren Conrad.
As someone who is usually attached to her phone (#bloggerproblems), it’s easy to understand why I was excited when Microsoft approached me to trial one of their Windows phones for a couple of weeks.
Instagram likes, Twitter followers and blog stats – it all comes down to numbers.
Recently a few friends and I enjoyed fun, food and frolics by the sea at the Sidmouth Folk Festival. The weather was glorious (before it…
Everyone appears to have gone courgetti crazy. I can now count myself as one of them.
The A Word. No, not that ‘A’ word (for those PLL fans out there) – Anxiety.
Our penultimate day in lovely Lisbon. We still had Alfama to explore so we took the tram and did just that…